... And the Curtains Are Raised Once More
Senin, 15 Maret 2010
Heyyyy people, what up? Yep, started blogging again, found out writing is the perfect way to share whatever's inside this head of mine :D
First of all, wanna congratulate the Aladdin team for putting a great, entertaining performance on March 5th (Give a round of applause guys, you did GOOD). A lil bit disappointed with the set though :(
Well anyways, here's some pics I 'stole' from the camera crew :
The Carpet Ride... Yayy...
Aladdin & Princess Jasmine
Well anyways, enough of the Arabian Nights tales, let's go back to reality. So.. There's this one question which has been buzzing in my head for these couple of days... What is life? :S
Hmm.. I remember when I was a kid, when I was asked "Hey... What's a table??" I would point my fingers to the nearest table and said : "This is a table!!" But then as we got older, things aren't that simple anymore. We gotta learn the precise definitions and origins of things. Gotta learn this, gotta learn that, not easy as it used to be. Can't give out answers like this anymore :
Yep, bet you'll all fail your trigonometry if you answer like this in your tests or exams. So, since we can't point out what life is... Can we actually describe it?
Is Life : Eating, Sleeping, Going to the toilet, Playing, Doing Work, Spending Money, Blogging?
Proposed this answer once, but it isn't the answer. The list up there is just whatever the things we do in life, not life itself.
What about this answer : Life is a characteristic that distinguishes objects that have self-sustaining biological processes from those that do not–either because such functions have ceased (death), or else because they lack such functions and are classified as inanimate.
Bet you guys are thinking "Uhhuh.. So.. What's this line explains basically? It's just a sentence full of biological phrases." Well don't start pointing your fingers at me just because you don't understand it... Blame Wikipedia, I took it from them.
So both the scientific and layman terms can't describe Life... Huh, interesting.. What about from the business side? Well, this is my theory for the business side : "The phenomenon in which risks cannot be predicted by looking at distribution graphs and that profits will only come by massive amount of productivity." I dunno, it's just a theory, people, haven't proved this yet :D
But anyways, my opinion is, it's what you do and what happened in your own life which defines 'Life'. Everyone has their own definition of 'Life'. You may have a shitty life, or you may lead a great life, that all depends on what you do. Maybe you screwed up, so life got shitty. Or maybe something great happened, got a girlfriend or boyfriend after these how many years of living in solitude and loneliness, or you just got tons of money from nowhere.
In any case, there's no precise definition for 'Life'. Maybe the question "What is life?" isn't meant to be answered at all...
Side note : 60 more days to exams... Haven't started on anything yet.. Pray for me guys....
I like the humour you invest in. Not bad.
Life, eh. An age old question. (y) I think that the answer is something that cannot be put into words. Life is a baby's cry or laughter. Life is the smile on a loved one's face. Life is a passing moment. Life is fleeting. Life is something to be treasured.
(y) Good first post. I'll be back.
a new blog yea ?
i have a blog too.. but i really lazy to update the post to my blog.. i dont know why..
i'd like to comment and chat to a really people.. :D
happy blogging ! :D
wow that was kinda deep...
heheehhehe... I never thought about "what is life" I just think as if I'm in a Rollercoaster Ride.... Life goes up and life goes down... lol